Building a Sustainable World Through Bio-Based Innovation

About KSE

KSE, Inc. was founded in 1977 by Dr. J. R. Kittrell, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts.  KSE was initially established as an engineering consulting firm serving the process industries with particular expertise in petroleum refining and petrochemicals.  The firm evolved toward research & development ultimately building our current 11,000 sq foot purpose-built laboratory facility in 1983.  KSE specializes in catalytic conversion technologies applied to biomass conversions, chemicals, and polymer synthesis.  Dr. Kittrell is recognized as an expert in industrial forensic analysis expanding the firm’s capabilities to include litigation services.

Dr. Kittrell is inventor on over 50 U.S. patents and author of over 100 technical publications.  KSE holds numerous patents on the composition, manufacture, and application of various inorganic heterogeneous catalysts used in oxidation and dehydration of organic molecules.  KSE has received SBIR Technology of the Year and two “R&D 100” awards for photocatalytic control technology and products.  KSE has received the EPA Environmental Innovator Technology Award for our superfund site remediation process.

KSE has a successful track record securing and executing over 70 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs with various federal agencies including the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Science Foundation, and the Environmental Protection Agency. 

meet the team

Powered by our people

Jeff Kittrell

B.S., M.S. ChE
35 year oil & gas executive

Keith D. Kittrell

Chief Operating Officer
B.S. Business, M.S. Env. Eng.
30 year business mgt. executive

Dr. Li Quan

R&D Engineer
B.S., M.S., PhD ChE
Stevens Inst. of Technology

Robert Dec

Process Engineer
B.S. ChE
Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Dr. Michael F. Malone (Mike)
Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement, Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Dr. E. Bryan Coughlin
Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts-Amherst and affiliated with the Center for UMass / Industry Research on Polymers (CUMIRP)

Dr. S. Surampudi
Sr. Lecturer Organic Chemistry, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Dr. A. Ragauskus
Department of Chemical Engineering, Interim Head and UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Biorefining, University of Tennessee-Knoxville