Our Facilities

KSE designed and purpose-built our 11,000 sq ft facility situated on 2 acres in Sunderland, MA,  just 2-miles from the University of Massachusetts – Amherst .  The facility contains high-bay manufacturing space for process demonstration and market testing production, research laboratory space, analytical instrument, conference and office space.   The building contains 38 linear feet of hood space and two walk-in hoods along with several pilot plant areas.  As a hazardous chemical facility, we are fully permitted to conduct research, development, and manufacturing including storage & disposal of hazardous materials.

Laboratories and Pilot Scale Equipment

KSE maintains a fully equipped laboratory to conduct various reaction chemistries, separations, and analytics including:  

  • Continuous stirred tank, tubular, and autoclave reactors in variety of sizes including 5.5L high-pressure/high-temperature Parr Series 4584 reactor
  • Distillation, extraction, and absorption equipment up to six feet in length and 6in diameter including Koch Modular KARR continuous liquid-liquid extraction unit
  • Process heating, cooling, and drying conducted using circulating glycol process chillers/hot-oil bath, various muffle furnace and vacuum driers, and continuous spray drying capability
  • Electrodialysis processes are conducted with PCCell ED64004 10-cell membrane stack
  • Liquid and gas stream compositional analytics performed via Perkin Elmer HPLC with UV-Vis and refractive index detectors, Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph, and Metrohm Karl Fisher titration all supported by laboratory computer, auto-sampler, operating 24/7
  • Additional analytical instrumentation and support is provided via Master Service Agreement with UMass CORE facilities including access to mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy enabling KSE cost-competitive access to highly sophisticated equipment and talent for development purposes.